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Evaluation of Pacemakers, Implantable Cardio-Defibrillators and Cardiac Resynchronizers.

Marcapasso em Maringá - Avaliação - Clínica de arritmias Maringá
Centro de Arritmias Cardíacas de Maringá - Dr. Marcio Gianotto - Cardiologista
CRMPR 26873 EQR's: 18399, 811 and 19314.:
Clinical Arrhythmia

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2nd Opinion on Arrhythmias
The pacemaker is a device of great importance for cardiovascular health and, therefore, it is essential that it is periodically evaluated after implantation. The purpose of these assessments is to ensure that the pacemaker is working correctly and to adjust its settings according to each patient's individual needs.

In the first few months after the implant, assessments should be carried out more frequently, but from then on, it is recommended that they be carried out every 6 months. During the assessment, important information will be collected about the patient, including data related to gender, age, physical activity and underlying disease.

The evaluation is carried out quickly and painlessly, in the clinic itself, using a specific programmer for each type of pacemaker. The patient lies on a stretcher and the electrocardiogram is installed, and a head is placed over the region where the pacemaker was implanted. Through this head, the programmer talks to the pacemaker and modifies necessary parameters.

Modern pacemakers have internal memories that record data collected during the patient's daily life, making the assessment even more precise and efficient. Some models even have a type of internal Holter, capable of identifying and recording arrhythmias, which allows the doctor to guide medication, programming and request additional tests, if necessary.

In summary, periodic assessments of the pacemaker are essential to ensure that it is working correctly and to adjust its settings according to each patient's individual needs. If you already have a pacemaker implanted, don't waste any more time and schedule your next evaluation.
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